Why does a bee hum? Because he doesn't know the words! What did the boy bee say to the girl bee on their first date? You look simply bee-utiful. What do bees chew? Bumble gum! What is a bee's favorite flower? A bee-gonia! What kind of bee do you not want on your football team? A fumble bee. What do male bees say to female bees on Valentine's Day? Bee my valentine! Why was the bee so stressed out? Because he was very bzzzy. What kind of bee can't be understood? A mumble bee! What do you call a bee born in May? A maybe! What did the bee say to his parents before leaving for vaction? I'll BEE seeing you. Who is the bee’s favorite singer? Sting! What did the bee say when he was interupted? I'm buzzy!! What did the confused bee say? To bee or not to bee! Why was the bee's hair so sticky? Because she used a honeycomb. What did the bee say to the other bee in summer? Swarm here, isn't it? Why did the bee cross the road? Because it was the chicken's day off. What did the bee say to the flower? Hello, honey! Why did the bee take the train? He missed his flight. Can bees fly in the rain? Not without their little yellow jackets! Who is the bees favorite pop group? The Bee Gees! What do you get if you cross a bee with a skunk? An animal that stinks and stings! What does a queen bee do when she burps? Issues a royal pardon! How does a queen bee get around her hive? She's throne! What does the bee Santa Claus say? Ho hum hum! Why did the queen bee kick out all of the other bees? Because they kept droning on and on! Where do bees keep their money? In a honey box! What TV station do bees watch? Bee bee c one! What did the bee say to the naughty bee? Bee-hive yourself! Why did the bees go on strike? Because they wanted more honey and shorter working flowers! What does a bee say before it stings you? This is going to hurt me a lot more than it's going to hurt you! What's a bee-line? The shortest distance between two buzz-stops! What do you call a bee that doesn't like Christmas? A humbug! Why did the bee start speaking poetry? He was waxing lyrical! What goes zzub, zzub? A bee flying backwards! What are the cleverest bees? Spelling bees! Why do bees buzz? Because they can't whistle! What does a bee get at McDonalds? A humburger! What do you call a bee that’s had a spell put on him? Bee-witched! What is a bee's favorite classical music composer? Bee-thoven! Who writes books for little bees? Bee-trix Potter! What's a bee’s favorite novel? The Great Gats-bee! What's black, yellow and covered in blackberries? A bramble bee! What do bees do if they want to use public transport? Wait at a buzz stop! Where does a bee go on holiday? Stingapore. What's a bee's favorite book? The Sting James Bible. What's more dangerous than being with a fool? Fooling with a bee! What did the spider say to the bee? Your honey or your life! What do bees sit on? Their beehinds!